TRE 27 Meet Alex

My take on Spring Design’s Alex e-reader, recorded in Cambridge, Mass., on May 4, 2010.  With comparison’s to the Barnes & Noble nook and Amazon’s Kindle.

One thing I did not mention in this video is that the nook is running the new 1.3 operating software, which added web browsing and other features.

Click here to download this episode.

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2 Responses to “TRE 27 Meet Alex”

  1. New Alex hands on video (by The Reading Edge Podcast) | The Digital Reader Says:

    […] Edgerly just posted another video over on his blog. He’s pretty good. Click here to download this episode. var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; […]

  2. The Reading Edge Podcast » Blog Archive » TRE 27 Meet Alex « eKsiążeczki Says:

    […] The Reading Edge Podcast » Blog Archive » TRE 27 Meet Alex The Reading Edge Podcast » Blog Archive » TRE 27 Meet Alex. […]