Archive for the ‘Screens’ Category

TRE 5 Paul Miller

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

Paul Miller, Senior Associate Editor at Engadget and a regular on the weekly Engadget podcast, had a chance to see something at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that we missed – the very enticing Mirasol screen by Qualcomm.  Rumor had it that this will be the screen on the next Kindle, perhaps later this year.

In a Skype-to-Skype call on January 19, 2010, we talked about eReaders, screens, and the nearly and mercifully to-be-ended speculation leading up to the unveiling of Apple’s “latest creation” in San Francisco on January 27.  Paul and the rest of the Engadget gang will be liveblogging the spectacle, and they’re whom I’ll be following for every last “one more thing.”

Click here to download this episode.