Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

TRE 24 Reading, Writing and Twitter?

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Valerie Ellis, left, and Michelle Taransky

My Bennington MFA classmate Valerie Ellis and I attended a thought-provoking session on April 8, 2010, at The Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) national convention here in Denver.  The title was “The Networked Poetry Classroom,” and one of the panelists was Michelle Taransky, who works full-time at the University of Pennsylvania‘s Kelly Writers House in Philadelphia.

Michelle is also the author of Barn Burned, Then , selected by Marjorie Welish as winner of the 2008 Omnidawn poetry prize.  She teaches at Temple University and is Reviews Editor for Jacket2 .

Valerie and I the night before the conference had been discussing the use of technology in classrooms, so Michelle’s tales of streaming Twitter in her classroom gave us lots to consider.

UPDATE: Click here for Michelle’s course weblog.

Click here to download this episode.